UN General Assembly

69th Session

Third Committee

32nd Meeting


28 October 2014



UN 총회

제69차 회기


제32차 회의


2014. 10. 28.





[1:52:32 - 2:02:14]

Ms. Yanghee LEE, Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar: Presentation of the report


이양희 미얀마 인권상황 특별보고관: 보고서 발표


[2:02:14 - 2:48:15]

Member States: questions & comments


회원국: 질의 및 논평


[2:48:15 - End]

Ms. Yanghee LEE, Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar: Response


이양희 미얀마 인권상황 특별보고관: 답변







Ms. Yanghee LEE, Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in Myanmar: Presentation of the report



Promotion and protection of human rights (A/69/383–S/2014/668) [item 68]


(b) Human rights questions, including alternative approaches for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms
(A/69/277, A/69/121, A/69/97, A/69/214, A/69/99, A/69/336, A/69/333, A/69/287, A/69/293, A/69/268, A/69/288, A/69/266, A/69/263, A/69/261, A/69/259, A/69/295, A/69/275, A/69/302, A/69/273, A/69/274, A/69/402, A/69/272,A/69/518 (to be issued), A/69/265, A/69/294, A/69/299, A/69/335, A/69/297, A/69/269, A/69/365, A/69/286, A/69/397, A/69/276 and A/69/366)

(c) Human rights situations and reports of special rapporteurs and representatives
(A/69/362, A/69/306, A/69/301, A/69/398, A/69/356, A/69/307, A/C.3/69/2, A/C.3/69/3, A/C.3/69/4, A/C.3/69/5, the Report of the Secretary-General on the situation of human rights in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (to be issued), and the Note by the Secretary-General transmitting the report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (to be issued))

Introductory statements, followed by interactive dialogues

Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Eritrea

Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Iran

Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar

[Report of the Special Rapporteur /특별보고관 보고서]




[Meetings Coverage and Press Releases/회의취재 및 보도자료]


28 October 2014




‘Shrinking’ Spaces for Citizens Threatened Democracy, Human Rights, Experts Tell Third Committee as It Considers Country Reports


Sixty-ninth session,
31st & 32nd Meetings (AM & PM)

General Assembly


Meetings Coverage


Special Rapporteurs Present Findings on Human Rights in Belarus, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Eritrea, Iran, Myanmar




Recognizing the gains made by Myanmar in reforming its political, economic, and social and human rights landscape in the past three years, Anghee Lee, Special Rapporteur on that country, urged the Government to continue its transition into democracy by establishing an independent and accountable judiciary, and releasing all remaining political prisoners.  There were signs of possible backtracking, she cautioned, and with elections in 2015, abiding by human rights principles was vital for the progress of peace and political dialogue in the country.

A representative of Myanmar appreciated the Rapporteur’s observation in commending Myanmar’s transition and reforms.  However, the list of responses provided by the Government was not adequately reflected in the report, thus weakening its balance and objectivity.  A large portion of the report, he noted, dwelled on details of the Constitution and election laws, which essentially fell on the purview of the domestic jurisdictions and the Parliament.  Addressing the concerns of the Rapporteur over legal action taken against some journalists, he said they were arrested not for their reporting, but for illegally trespassing into a restricted military facility.  “Even the most democratic nations will not let such crimes go unpunished”, he said, calling on the media not to abuse their rights of freedoms with an aim of inciting instability.

Also today, the Committee heard from Farida Shaheed, the Special Rapporteur in the field of cultural rights, who expressed concern over the disproportionate and omnipresent nature of commercial advertising and marketing, and its impact on cultural diversity, and called on States to ensure that public spaces remained a sphere for deliberation, cultural exchange, social cohesiveness and diversity.

Participating in today’s interactive dialogue were speakers representing the Russian Federation, Bahrain, China, Chile, Norway, Switzerland, Azerbaijan, Kenya, Lithuania, Ireland, United States, Latvia, Brazil, Bolivia, Armenia, Ecuador, Sri Lanka, Uzbekistan, United Kingdom, Venezuela, Cuba, Malaysia, Kazakhstan, Germany, Turkmenistan, Czech Republic, Egypt, Canada, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Iran (on behalf of the Non-Aligned Movement), Syria, Zimbabwe, Australia, Japan, Liechtenstein (on behalf of Iceland), Maldives, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Israel, Syria, Indonesia, Viet Nam, Saudi Arabia, Republic of Korea, and Singapore, as well as the European Union Delegation.

The Third Committee will meet again at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, 29 October, to continue its discussion on the protection and promotion of the human rights.




The Third Committee met this morning to continue its consideration of the protection and promotion of human rights, with eight experts expected to present reports and engage in interactive dialogues.  For background, see Press Releases GA/SHC/4108 of 22 October and GA/SHC/4109 of 23 October.





YANGHEE LEE, Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in Myanmar, presented her report on the progress in the electoral process and reform in the run up to the 2015 election.  In her report, she recognized the important gains made through Myanmar’s reform process.  The initial reforms had undoubtedly improved the political, economic and social and human rights landscape in the three years since the establishment of a new Government.  However, there were signs of possible backtracking, which could undermine Myanmar’s efforts to respect and protect human rights.  Accordingly, she urged the Government of Myanmar to continue its partnership with the international community to ensure that human rights remained at the foundation of its democratic transition.

In relation to the ongoing peace process, she called for continuing efforts by all sides to reach a nationwide ceasefire agreement.  Abiding by human rights principles would foster greater confidence in and shared ownership of the peace process and subsequent political dialogue.  Additionally, she welcomed efforts by the Government to prevent the use of children as soldiers and to work towards the discharge and rehabilitation of those previously involved in combat.  However, reports confirmed that there were cases of children being recruited by military and non-State armed groups.  In that regard, she urged a renewed focus on measures to ensure the release, rehabilitation, recovery and reintegration of affected children, as well as more robust measures to prevent further recruitment.

Turning to the issue of democratic reform, she encouraged efforts to ensure an independent judiciary that was properly resourced and accountable.  Under no circumstances, she said, should trials be conducted behind closed doors, without legal representation and with defective evidence.  Additionally, she emphasized the need for the Government to continue to convene the prisoner review committee to ensure that all remaining political prisoners were immediately released and politically motivated charges were dropped.  On the upcoming 2015 election, she noted that the process should be monitored closely, and assessed using international standards.  Concluding, she said, much could be achieved by engendering a culture of respect for human rights among all state institutions and the public at large.

In the ensuing interactive dialogue, some delegates said politically motivated reports should be prohibited, rejecting selective and politicized considerations of human rights, and calling for the resolution to be discontinued.  The discussions on human rights should be based on cooperation and dialogue, and not be inherently divisive.

Other delegates welcomed the positive progress made by the Government, yet urged to allow humanitarian access to the Rohingya community.  Others encouraged the international community to cooperate with Myanmar in technical assistance, appealing also on the Government to continue its cooperation with the United Nations by opening a country office of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).

Questions were asked related to the challenges faced by the Rohingya community, to the possibility to amend the legislation impeding the media and its effect to contribute to the legitimacy of the 2015 elections, and the usefulness of OHCHR’s country office.  Other delegates asked about women’s rights in the country, about possible measures to be taken by the Government to protect ethnic and religious minorities, and on steps needed to install accountability mechanisms to ensure that security forces did not commit human rights violations.

A representative of Myanmar appreciated the Rapporteur’s observation in commending his country’s transition and reforms.  However, the list of responses provided by the Government was not adequately reflected in the report, thus weakening its balance and objectivity.  A large portion of the report, he noted, dwelt on details of the Constitution and election laws, which essentially fell under domestic jurisdictions and the Parliament.  Addressing the concerns of the Rapporteur over legal action taken against some journalists, he said they were arrested not for their reporting, but for illegally trespassing into restricted military facility.  “Even the most democratic nations will not let such crimes go unpunished”, he said, calling on the media not to abuse their rights of freedoms to incite instability.

Ms. LEE noted the importance of interfaith dialogue, calling on religious, community and political leaders to reach out to the Muslim and Buddhist communities, among others.  The fabric of violence could undermine the progress that the country had achieved, she added.  On women’s rights, she said their participation in peace processes was very important, and was an area that needed more encouragement and assistance.  Turning to the 2015 elections, she said she would make it the main focus of her next country visit, as well as her report to the Human Rights Council.  On the OHCHR country office, she said it should be viewed as a partnership, where monitoring and technical assistance could go hand in hand.  Reiterating the importance of tolerance and harmony, she said the Rakhine State deserved an honest and critical assessment, calling for the resumption of humanitarian aid.


Participating in the dialogue were representatives of Indonesia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Viet Nam, Japan, United Kingdom, Cuba, Saudi Arabia, Czech Republic, Canada, Republic of Korea, China, Maldives, Norway, United States, Russian Federation, Iran, Switzerland and Singapore, as well as the European Union Delegation.






2010 대학(원)생 UN인권이사회

  • 일시: 2010. 7. 5. (월) ~ 2010. 7. 6. (화)
  • 장소: 서울대학교
  • 공동주최: 서울대학교 공익인권법센터, (사)유엔인권정책센터, 한국인권재단

2010 Model UN Human Rights Council

  • Date: Monday, 5 July - Tuesday, 6 July 2010
  • Venue: Seoul National University (Seoul, Republic of Korea)
  • Co-organizers: Seoul National University Center for Public Interest & Human Rights, Korea Center for United Nations Human Rights Policy (KOCUN), Korea Human Rights Foundation

공문: 🔗

대회 안내서: 🔗 🔗


인권으로 미래를 만드는 「2010 대학생 UN인권이사회」

「2010 대학생 UN인권이사회」는 UN인권이사회와 UPR 등 유엔의 인권제도를 이해하고 배우는 동시에 한국의 인권 상황을 국제적 인권기준을 통해 파악하고 국제 인권제도에 대한 인식을 확대하여 국제사회의 인권증진에 기여할 수 있는 미래 국제인권분야의 전문가를 양성하는 기회와 실천적 교육의 장이 될 것입니다.

❚일 시: 2010년 7월 5일(월)~6일(화) (비숙박)
❚장 소: 서울대학교 법대100주년기념관 주산기념홀 및 교내
❚참가인원: 60팀 총 120명(한국어 40팀, 영어 20팀)/ 국내대학 재학 중인 유학생 및 해외유학생 포함
❚참 가 비: 팀당 5만원
❚주 최: 서울대학교 공익인권법센터, (사)유엔인권정책센터, (재)한국인권재단
❚후 원: 국가인권위원회, 외교통상부, 유네스코 아·태 국제이해교육원(UNESCO APCEIU), 유엔 인
권최고대표실(OHCHR) 동남아시아 지역사무소, 주한 스위스 대사관, EBS

대회 운영 방법

- 참가자 전원은 한국어와 영어 중 한 가지 언어를 선택한 후 한 개의 정부 또는 NGO를 대표하여 특
별절차 실무분과(Working Group)와 국가별 인권상황 정기검토(Universal Periodic Reveiw, UPR) 두 가
지 세션에 참여
- 특별절차 실무분과: 네 가지 주제(① 버마인권, ② 북한인권, ③ 식량권, ④ 인종차별) 중 하나의 실무
분과에 속하여 논의에 참여하고 해당 주제에 대한 결의안 제출
- 국가별 인권상황 정기검토: 대한민국 인권상황을 심의하고 이를 바탕으로 권고안 제출
- 인권이사회 본회의: 실무분과 결의안과 UPR 권고안 채택

참가 신청 및 문의사항

2인 1팀을 구성하여 modelUNHRC@naver.com으로 참가신청서를 보내주세요.

❚신청마감: 2010년 5월 17일(월)
❚참가자 발표: 2010년 5월 24일(월) (사)유엔인권정책센터, (재)한국인권재단 홈페이지 공지
❚참가자 사전교육: 2010년 5월 29일(토) 14:00∼18:00 참가자 전원 참석
❚문의: http://cafe.naver.com/modelUNHRC 또는 (사)유엔인권정책센터(02-6287-1210)

시상 및 부상

시상: 공동주최 기관장 명의의 상장 수여
부상: 국제인권연수 경비(제네바/방콕) 일부 지원

Introduction: 🔗 (MS Word), 🔗 (PDF)

2010 Model UN Human Rights Council

Seoul National University, July 5-6, 2010

The 2010 Model UN Human Rights Council provides an opportunity for university and college students to learn about emerging human rights issues and trends in Korea and in the world through model participation on the Special Procedures and Universal Periodic Review (UPR) mechanisms of the UN Human Rights Council. Through this program, participants can expect to build their expertise and leadership skills in the field of human rights, particularly in the roles of the Korean government and NGOs promoting and protecting human rights in Korea and internationally.

Basic Information

❚ Date: July 5-6 (Monday-Tuesday), 2010 (Accommodation not provided)
❚ Venue: Centennial Hall, College of Law, Seoul National University, Korea
❚ Participants: 120 persons (60 teams)
➢ Students of college & university (under graduate) as well as master degree program (post graduate) in Korea, including international exchange students studying in Korea and Korean students studying abroad returning to Korea for the summer.
➢ 40 Korean speaking teams (80 persons) and 20 English speaking teams (40 persons)
❚ Participation Fee: 50,000 Korean won per team
❚ Organizers:
➢ Center for Public Interest & Human Rights, Seoul National University
➢ Korea Center for United Nations Human Rights Policy (KOCUN)
➢ Korea Human Rights Foundation (KHRF)
❚ Sponsors:
➢ Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MOFAT), Republic of Korea
➢ National Human Rights Commission of Korea (NHRCK)
➢ UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), Regional Office in South-East Asia (Bangkok)
➢ UNESCO Asia-Pacific Center of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU), Seoul
➢ Embassy of Switzerland in the Republic of Korea
➢ Educational Broadcasting System (EBS), Korea

Program Structure and Process

- The two-day program will consist of mainly two sessions: UN Human Rights Council Special Procedure and the Universal Periodic Review (UPR).
- The Special Procedure session will be concerned with human rights issues of an international nature while the UPR will focus on South Korea.
- A Working Group and a Plenary Session will be held for both the Special Procedure and the UPR.
- Participants will present the results of the Working Group to the Plenary Session for adoption or review.

Special Procedure (Day 1, Afternoon): Participants will be divided into 6 Working Groups. Each Working Group will discuss one of the following 4 topics (2 themes and 2 country situations)

① Human Rights in Burma (Myanmar) ② Human Rights in North Korea
③ Right to Food ④ Racial Discrimination

- There will be four Working Groups for the Korean speaking teams and two for the English speaking teams. The two topics for the English speaking teams will be selected according to the preferences of the selected participants.
- Each Working Group will be composed of 10 teams (20 participants); 8 teams will be selected to serve as delegations from UN member states and 2 teams will be selected to serve as NGO delegations.
- The results of the Special Procedure Working Group will be presented in the form of a resolution to be adopted at the Plenary Session (Day 2 Afternoon)

Universal Periodic Review (UPR) (Day 2, Morning): Participants will be divided into 3 Working Groups to review the human rights situation in South Korea (Republic of Korea).
- Each UPR Working Group will be composed of 20 teams (40 participants); 16 teams will be selected to serve as delegations from UN member states and 4 teams will be selected to serve as NGO delegations.
- The UPR Working Group will be conducted in an inter-active dialogue format consisting of questions and recommendations by UN member states and NGO delegations, as well as answers by the representatives of the South Korean government.
- At the UPR Plenary Session (Day 2, Afternoonn, representatives of the South Korean government will present their position on the recommendations provided, which will be followed by further questions and feedback.

Application Procedure

- Interested teams of two participants each should send a duly completed application form to ModelUNHRC@naver.com no later than May 19 (Wednesday), 2010
- Selected teams will be notified by public announcement at the websites of the Korea Center for United Nations Human Rights Policy (KOCUN) (http://www.kocun.org) and the Korea Human Rights Foundation (http://www.humanrights.or.kr) on or before May 24 (Monday), 2010.
- A compulsory Orientation Program will be held for all participants from 2-6 pm on May 29 (Monday) 2010.

Awards and Prizes
- Several prizes will be awarded by the co-organizers to participating teams exhibiting outstanding performances.
- A scholarship in the form of financial support for participation in an international human rights internship program in Geneva/Europe and Bangkok/Asia (July/Aug. or January/Feb) will be provided to the one or two teams exhibiting the best performance.

For further inquiries:

Please contact Ms Kawon Lee, 02-6287-1210 or modelUNHRC@naver.com

More detailed information is available at http://cafe.naver.com/ModelUNHRC

사전교육: 🔗

  • 일시: 2010년 5월 29일 (토)
  • 장소: 서울대학교 법과대학 15동 601호


시간 내용

등록 및 국가 혹은 NGO 배정/UPR 질의항목 배정




팀 소개(실무분과별)


유엔인권이사회 소개 동영상


의제소개(4개 주제 및 UPR 소개)
15:20~15:30 휴식

특별절차 4주제 전문가 브리핑



행사운영절차(심사평가, 결의안처리, WG 진행순서절차)
17:30~17:50 전체 질의 응답



- 참가 등록 시 참가자는 국가 혹은 NGO를 제비뽑기를 통해 배정받고 UPR 질의 항목은 선착순 배정됩니다.
- 이날 사전교육에서 실무분과별 대표와 부대표를 선발합니다(자원자 우선). 이들 대표와 부대표는 인터넷 실무분과별 논의를 주도하는 역할과 동료 참가자 연락책으로 활동하게 됩니다.

* 참가자 전원은 대회 준비를 위해 www.ohchr.org를 방문하여 본인이 팀이 속한 실무분과 주제에 관한 정보를 습득하고 추천도서를 통해 인권전반에 대한 이해를 높일것을 권합니다.

Pre-orientation: 🔗

  • Date: Saturday, 29 May 2010, 13:30
  • Venue: Room no. 601, College of Law (Building 16), Seoul National University

Tentative schedule


Registration& Country(NGOs) assignment




Team and WG introduction


Introduction to UN Human Rights Council


Introduction to 4 thematic issues and Universal Periodic Review
15:20~15:30 Coffee break

Briefing on 4 thematic issues by guest speakers



Introduction to Rules of Procedures, Judging standards, etc



Closing ceremony

- Participants are expected to be assigned a country or NGO by drawing lots
- Questions to be raised during UPR session by a team will be assigned (First come first serve)
- Two persons in the WG on Racial Discrmination will be appointed either a leader or deputy leader to lead a discussion on the Internet and also work as primary contact persons for the other members in the WG.

* For better preparation, participants are highly recommended to
- visit www.ohchr.org and find out about the current issues on thematic issues for your team
- Go check out the reading list on the website (http://cafe.naver.com/modelunhrc)

20 Themes for UPR Working Group | UPR 실무분과 주제 20: 🔗

20 Themes for UPR Working Group
UPR 실무분과 주제 20

2008년 5월 진행된 대한민국 UPR 실무분과에서 제기된 질문과 권고안과 한국이 가입한 국제인권조약 중 한국정부 보고서 심의를 한 6개의 조약이행감시위원회 권고안에서 언급된 주제 가운데 20개 선택.

The following 20 issues were selected among the questions and recommendations made at the UPR Working Group on Republic of Korea held in May 2008 and recommendations from the six UN human rights treaty monitoring bodies so far (CERD, CESCR, CCPR, CEDAW, CAT and CRC)

1. 국제인권조약 비준 및 이행 Ratification of international human rights treaties and their domestic implementation
2. 국가인권위원회의 독립성과 효과성 Independence and effectiveness of National Human Rights Commission of Korea (NHRCK)
3. 언론과 표현의 자유(사이버 포함) Freedom of press and expression (including cyber space)
4. 국가보안법 National Security Law
5. 집회, 시위 및 결사의 자유 Freedom of assembly, demonstration and association
6. 양심에 따른 병역거부 Conscientious objectors
7. 고문 Torture
8. 사형제도 Death Penalty
9. 여성인권 Rights of women
10. 장애인권 Rights of persons with disabilities
11. 아동인권 Rights of child
12. 노인인권 Rights of older persons
13. 성적 소수자 인권 Rights of sexual minorities
14 이주노동자 인권 Rights of migrant workers
15 난민, 비호신청자와 무국적자 인권 Rights of refugee, asylum seeker and stateless persons
16 인종주의, 인종차별과 외국인혐오증 Racism, racial discrimination and xenophobia
17. 노동권 Right to work
18. 주거권 Right to adequate housing
19. 교육권 (인권교육 포함) Right to Education including human rights education
20. 사회보장과 건강권 Right to social security and right to health

List of Member States and NGOs at the Special Procedure Working Group | 특별절차 실무분과 국가 및 단체 명단: 🔗

List of Member States and NGOs at the Special Procedure Working Group
특별절차 실무분과 국가 및 단체 명단



Western Europe and Other States

Eastern Europe

Latin America and Caribbean States

International NGO



Poland Peru
Human Rights Watch





Russia Argentina


식량권(한)Right to Food



Ukraine Brazil


Racial Discrimination (Korean)



Hungary Mexico Minority Rights Group (MRG)


Racial Discrimination (English)

South Africa


Latvia Guatemala Amnesty International
  • 북한인권과 버마인권 실무분과 참가 팀 (20팀)은 UPR 실무분과 A 참여
    UPR WG A shall be composed of participating teams of SP WG on human rights situation in DPRK and Burma(Myanmar).

  • 식량권과 인종차별(한) 실무분과 참가 팀 (20팀)은 UPR 실무분과 B 참여
    UPR WG B shall be composed of participating teams of SP WG on the Right to Food and Racial Discrimination (Korean).

  • 인종차별(English) 참가팀 (10팀)은 UPR 실무분과 C 참여
    UPR WG C shall be composed of participants of SP WG on Racial Discrimination.

2010 대학(원)생 UN인권이사회 자료집: 📥 📥

2010 대학(원)생 UN인권이사회 성황리에 마쳤습니다 (한국인권재단 사업소식)

2010 대학(원)생 UN인권이사회 성황리에 마쳤습니다

지난 7월 5일(월)-6일(화) 이틀간 서울대학교 공익인권법센터, 유엔인권정책센터, 한국인권재단이 공동주최하고, 서울대학교에서 개최된 <2010 대학(원)생 UN인권이사회>가 참가자 및 내외빈 등이 참석한 가운데 성황리에 마무리 되었습니다.

100여명의 참가자와 70여명의 특별참가자 및 심사위원, staff들이 환상의 호흡을 이루어 열띤 인권 논의의 장을 펼쳤습니다.

4개의 특별절차실무분과(북한, 버마인권, 식량권, 인종차별) 한국어팀과 1개의 영어팀(인종차별)이 진지하고도 치열한 논쟁을 통해 최종 결의안을 도출하였고, 한국정부대표단에 대한 UPR을 통해 나라별 권고안과 대표단의 입장을 표명하는 것으로 전체 회의가 마무리 되었습니다.

부대행사로 <도전! 인권 골든벨>과 <박원순 변호사와의 대화>, <이주노동자 밴드-스탑 크랙다운 공연>이 진행되었는데요,

진지하면서도 열정적인 (때로는 민망하고 귀여운) 참가자들의 모습이 아름다웠습니다.

모든 참가자가 1등이고 우수팀이었습니다. 그러나 한인섭 서울대 공익인권법센터 소장님이 환영말씀을 전하셨듯이 이번 회의는 서로의 성장을 도모하는 곳이되 강도 높은 경쟁의 무대이기도 했습니다.

행사 참석에서의 성실성 및 회의 진행 과정에서 각 분과/나라별 상황에 대한 이해 정도, 설득력, 팀별 협업 점수 등 총 11개 평가 항목에 대하여 엄정한 심사를 통해 5개팀(10명)이 각각 평등/자유/연대/평화/정의상을 수상하였습니다.

[수상자 명단]



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